Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Doctor Visit

Waiting on the Doctor to come in!

We couldn't include the picture that shows the 'real' 11 pound reading. Jake's man parts were in full view. He's a little more modest in this one!

Our 2 month check-up was on July 2nd. We saw Dr. Stacey Trupiano at the Children's Clinic. The visit went well - minus the shots! Jake was a real trooper - he only fussed for a stint - and then dried it up and started smiling. He weighed in at an even 11 pounds and was 23 inches long. Here are a few shots (no pun intended) from the visit!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pictures from the Archives

Kickin' it with Cousin Cole at Panera

Playing on my Activity Mat


Mother's Day 2010
Jake and Cole

Peaceful Sleeping

2 Weeks Old
Here are a few pictures from days gone by. He grows SO FAST!