Thursday, December 23, 2010

Graduation Day

Finally - three years later, I'm done! It's such a good feeling. And as you can see, Jake was very happy for me to be done also. It's now time to simplify things and take a break!

Graduation Day
Reliant Arena - December 18, 2010

It's Been A While....

In my Jump A Roo! Bouncy-Bouncy Jake!

Look Mom! (Daddy put me up here).

Avery LOVES to entertain Jake.

It's been a while - a long while since I have posted. I'll blame it on school! Now that I am finished - as in 'graduated'....(can I get a whoop, whoop) I have no excuses for not updating. I will try to be more 'on top of it!'

Jake is growing so fast. He is now an official 'crawler.' He pulls up to his feet and tries to cruise along the couch. Once or twice - he's let go! He will be an early walker - I predict!

He is now almost 8 months old. He's such a cutie. A big blue-eyed precious boy...and SO sweet! Right now, his favorite things are playing in his jump-a-roo, crawling, chewing on Sophie the giraffe (thanks cousin Cole), and eating yogurt.

Above are a few pictures from the Fall - and like I said, I'll try and get more organized with the Blog!